沧桑过后正年轻 2024-06-07 19:06:12
沧桑过后正年轻 2024-06-11 11:40:22

The Double 11 or Singles' Day is a shopping festival that originated in China and is celebrated on November 11th every year.The festival started as a day for single people to celebrate their status by buying themselves gifts, but it has now become the biggest online shopping day in the world.

The festival's origins can be traced back to the 1990s when students at Nanjing University started celebrating being single on November 11th, as the date 11/11 resembles four single people.The celebration gradually spread across China, and in 2009, Alibaba, the Chinese e-commerce giant, started promoting the day as a shopping festival.

The festival has since grown exponentially, with other e-commerce companies joining in and offering huge discounts on their products.In 2020, the total sales on Singles' Day reached a record-breaking $74.1 billion, making it the biggest shopping day in the world.

The significance of Singles' Day goes beyond just shopping.It has become a symbol of China's growing consumer culture and its ability to innovate in the e-commerce space.The festival has also helped to boost the economy by creating jobs and driving sales for businesses.

Overall, the Double 11 or Singles' Day is a significant event in China's cultural and economic landscape, and it is a testament to the power of e-commerce and consumerism in the modern world.

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