长街旧友 2024-06-04 16:35:33
长街旧友 2024-06-11 11:47:13

There are several ways to celebrate the Lantern Festival, also known as the Yuanxiao Festival, in China.Here are some of the common ways:

1.Eating Tangyuan: Tangyuan, also known as sweet glutinous rice balls, is a traditional food eaten during the Lantern Festival.It is made of glutinous rice flour and filled with sweet sesame, peanut, or red bean paste.

2.Watching Lantern Displays: People often hang lanterns outside their homes or in public places during the Lantern Festival.There are also lantern fairs where visitors can admire various types of lanterns, including traditional ones made of paper and silk, as well as modern ones with LED lights.

3.Solving Riddles: Some people write riddles on lanterns or on pieces of paper and hang them in public places.Visitors can try to solve the riddles, and those who succeed can win small prizes.

4.Performing Dragon and Lion Dances: Dragon and lion dances are popular performances during the Lantern Festival.The dances are believed to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.

5.Setting off Fireworks: Fireworks are a traditional way to celebrate the Lantern Festival.However, due to safety concerns, many cities in China have banned fireworks in recent years.

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